Immediate removal of the page:
- something that may violate the reputation of OnlyFans
- a threat to violate the rules of the site, which can have serious losses for OnlyFans or another user
That's what the warning will come for:
(but it says that they have the right to delete it without warning, if they see fit)
Content that is:
- illegal
- fraudulent
- defamatory
- inciting hatred
- discriminatory
- threatening
- stalking
- encouraging or promoting violence or any illegal activity
You may not exploit, damage, or attempt to use or harm any person under the age of 18.
You can't talk:
- firearms, weapons or any goods for sale, the possession or use of which are subject to prohibitions or restrictions;
- drugs or drug paraphernalia;
- self-mutilation or suicide;
- incest;
- bestiality;
- violence, rape, lack of consent,
- hypnosis,
- intoxication,
- torture,
- sadomasochistic violence or severe bondage, extreme fisting or mutilation of the genitals;
- necrophilia;
- urine, coprological material or excrement;
Content may not be used to denigrate, humiliate, dehumanize, exclude, attack, threaten or incite hatred, fear or violence against a group or individual based on race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, caste, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious disease, veteran status, or any other protected characteristics.
What else is not allowed:
- Nudity in a public place is prohibited (unless it is the backyard of a house, for example)
- Vacancies cannot be put up for work
- You cannot intimidate, insult, or threaten
- You can not deceive /mislead (about the sale of content)
- Do not publish other users' content or personal information without permission
- You cannot pass off pre-prepared video/audio as a live broadcast
Rules for fans:
- If the user has signed a contract, he can return his money within 14 days.
You can and are willing to make a payment (if necessary) for viewing the content available on OnlyFans that you want to view and for using any features provided by OnlyFans that you want to use.
This means that a person registers knowing that they need to donate here, having a certain amount. There are no Homeless people, they just spend their money on someone more interesting than you.
About the problem with the fact that some men can't pay if they don't have problems with the card: MOST LIKELY THEY JUST DIDN'T SUBSCRIBE TO THE ACCOUNT.
(Either you entered your card details incorrectly, or you have exhausted the daily limit)
They cannot make refunds in bad faith (if they do, they must delete their page)
OnlyFans does not refund money for:
- private messages
- Paid posts
- Tips
(If a person does not receive the content they paid for, they will not be able to make a refund, OnlyFans is not responsible for this, since tips is a voluntary contribution)
A typical new user can spend no more than $ 100, $ 200 is for those who have been using it for more than 4 months.
Fan Limits:
Users can spend up to $500 per day on the platform, and this limit increases for users who have been on the platform with a good reputation for a long time.
TOP 5 (material from the Cursed channel)
Therefore, today the section top 5 of the dumbest violations starts for which you can be banned or thrown on a review
- Dicrate a video with a demonstration of the dicpic in the frame. Ban for not providing a release to a third party (in this case, fuck) in the frame
- Google traffic. Also referred to as Google bays, Google ADS and Google arbitration. The rules of the site clearly state that it is impossible and I have already seen many examples when they were actually banned for such a promo, even if they tell you that they do not have bans - this is a lie.
- Shooting in a public place, when passers-by flash in the background. Failure to provide a release to third parties is banned.
- Mention of competitors' websites… Even if there is a translucent watermark, even if the inscription on the t-shirt or writing through censorship is f-a-n-s-l-y, an evil moder is waiting for you who will demolish your page.
- In *** and from Ukr. It is better to change this topic immediately to any other, and not to pronounce the names of the countries. The policy is tacitly disapproved of on the website for Drochev.
Simplified list (material from SISTER's Tip channel):
To expose content with third parties (girlfriends, boyfriend, random passer-by) if a model release is not signed for it or it is not registered on the official website
Any persons under the age of 18 or references to minors (role-playing games, conversations about childhood, children's photos)
Firearms, edged weapons
Drugs or narcotic attributes
Self-mutilation or suicide
Incest (not only videos, but also text role-playing games)
Bestiality. It is better to remove all your cats and dogs. There were cases when the model's kitty accidentally got into the frame when shooting content, and for this the page received a warning
Violence, rape, lack of consent, hypnosis, intoxication, sexual assault, torture, sadomasochistic violence or hard bondage, extreme fisting or genital mutilation. Here we understand for ourselves that it is better to be more careful with BDSM content and games of hard dominators
Materials related to urine, vomit or excrement
Escort services, sex trafficking or prostitution
Dissemination of personal data, private or confidential information. For example, phone numbers, information about a specific location (just saying which country you are from does not count, it's OK), documents, email addresses, OnlyFans login credentials, financial information (this includes any attempts to make a payment outside of online)
Content +18, if it was recorded or broadcast from a public place where passers-by are likely to see the actions being performed (this does not include open places where random passers-by are not present, such as a private courtyard, or secluded places in nature, a park does not count)
Used or intended to be used for the purpose of obtaining money or other benefits from any other person in exchange for the removal of Content (blackmail). In simple words, if a sub has thrown a dickpick to you, and you threaten to throw it to all his friends if he does not buy your ppv. Be careful with such fetishists.
Commercial activities for sale to third parties, such as contests, sweepstakes and other sales promotions, product placement, advertising, or placement of job or employment ads without the prior express consent of the site administration.
Respect the intellectual property rights of the Creators, including not to record, reproduce, share, communicate to the public or otherwise distribute their Content without permission.
Do not provide false information about account registration and do not use unauthorized other people's information or Content (left docks or other people's content, even if without a face, is also included here)
Do not post or create conditions for the posting of any Content that is spam, that has the intention or effect of artificially increasing the views or interactions of any Creator, or that is inauthentic, repetitive, misleading or low-quality.
Do not transmit, broadcast, or otherwise send pre-recorded audio or video materials during a live broadcast, and do not attempt to pass off the recorded materials as a live broadcast.
Do not use other means or methods (for example, the use of code words or signals) to transmit information that violates this Policy (you can put your favorite meeeet, pay.pal, yo ung, and id here)
Do not use any automated programs, tools, or processes to access OnlyFans or any server, network, or system associated with OnlyFans to extract, collect Content or information from OnlyFans (that's how it turns out all our cool auto-subscription bots and message prioritization are also against the rules)
Content aimed at denigrating, humiliating, threatening or inciting hatred, fear or violence against any group of people or one person for any reason (race, gender, appearance, etc.)
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